Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Week 15 Famous Last Words

These really are the Last Words, since this is basically the end of this course. I’m really relieved that this course is almost over, because this semester has been overwhelmingly exhaustive in all areas. After finals, I should have about three days to finally relax. Then I will be moving on to other things. Overall, this week I most enjoyed getting to read the projects and porfolios from the Myth-Folklore class. From reading their posts and such, I think that I would have preferred that class over this one. However, Mythology was the first course I ever took in college, so I’ve already completed that requirement by about five years. 

In the scope of my other courses, I have a ten minute presentation, one two page paper (easy), and three five-page papers due by Friday. It’s a bit of a mountain and I might not make it, because, let’s face it, after five years+ of undergrad, my brain is about to faint. 

Outside of school, I really do not have anything significant occurring in my life, because usually, school dominates my life. Christmastime is approaching, which means it’s time for me to turn into the annual scrooge. I dislike pretty much everything about Christmas, and most people think that I’m a pretty awful human being because of this, but I’ve basically grown to accept it. 

I’m also growing a little bitter about the length of this post. Just out of curiosity, I decided to see how much I’ve writing is expected for this class. I estimated that between both reading diaries, storytelling,  blog commenting, project feedback, and portfolio (shortest writing expectation), each week represents about 1500-2000 words written. This is the equivalent of 6-8, 12pt font, double spaced typed pages. If you factor in the extra credit, you could add up to an additional 1000 words, or 4 pages easily. Seeing this perspective suddenly makes me glad that I'm not in grad school yet.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Hannah! I definitely know how you feel about the end of the semester approaching so quickly! Things are SO hectic right now and I'm so ready to be done with this semester, let alone undergrad- but it is going to be bittersweet! I found it pretty humorous that you consider yourself a Christmas scrooge! Anyway, good luck with the rest of the semester! You're almost done!
